琴。柏桑妮 鄧肯國際協會藝術總監 美國 紐約
致 親愛的 唐大使 具天賦的舞者 慷慨的支持者 精神可嘉的志工們 以及 所有關心雲林故事館的朋友們 十二萬分感激大家對 <WOMAN AS THE SUN.像太陽的女人>演出的投入, 從各位的身上的才能、熱情及光芒, 所散發出來像太陽般的生命量能令人難忘。
我感到十分榮幸有機會和大家分享, 這個令人感到神奇的驚艷演出, 您們是我心目中非常敬重的一個理想社區典範 誠如伊莎朵拉曾說:「讓我們聯手一起來創造愛的奇蹟!」, 願我們如同黃金般可貴的兄弟姐妹的情誼永存。 唐麗芳譯 2010.04.15
Jeanne Bresciani Artistic Director Isadora Duncan International Institute 150 East 61st Street Suite 11C New York, New York 10065 U.S.A.
To Dear Ambassador Tang, Gifted Performers, Generous Supporters, Tireless Volunteers and Friends of the Story House in Yunlin,
Radiant thanks remain aglow with the luster of the splendid solar energy that you each engineered through your manifold talents, emanating warmth and pure devotion to WOMAN AS THE SUN.
Together you are a model of an ideal community and I have known immense gratitude to have shared with you in this wondrous manifestation.
As Isadora said, “Let us unite and create this miracle of Love!”
Always in golden and inspired sistership and brotherhood,